Welcome to STE SOURCE

We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience here on this planet we call Earth.  STEs are "Spiritually Transformative Experiences" and can take on many forms NDEs (Near Death Experiences), OBEs (Out of Body Experiences), SDEs (Shared Death Experiences) and the list goes on.  The purpose of this site made with absolute LOVE and good intention is this: To help Team Earth share their STEs, learn from hearing about our Soul Fam's STEs here on this tough planet and gradually EVOLVE and ENLIGHTEN through this sharing of experience.  It's that simple and yet that intensive.

If you have had or know someone who has had an STE and would like to share it with the Soul Fam please email: share@stesource.com and please edit to the best of your ability.  Right now it's just me "Hajee" handling this and i can only copy and paste :)  If you'd like to see who I am and view my YT channel the link is here.

As of now I am trying to to do more NDE interviews and would like to interview some STEers as well.  If you'd like to share your story via a Zoom Video to be posted on YT you can send me an email request using the email above. If you'd like to do a video but remain anonymous (not ready to leave the Spiritual Closet" no problem, you can use an avatar, no image and I can alter your voice but still post the video so people can hear your great story and learn from it.  Well, that's all for now.  Best wishes and Blessings during your Earth Sojourn!

Click Here To Share Your STE


Donations and In-Person Support


Donate to support the work done on this website, the Facebook Group Page and the interviews on the YT channel


Hayah Love Organic Farm & Healing Retreat

Donate to support the development of the organic farm and Healing  Retreat.  If you have resources or would like to help out in person please email or use contact form to connect.


My NDE Interviews

I like to do a short breathing exercise and clearing" before jumping into any Spiritually charged interview.  This is important for many reasons in my opinion.  When I'm not hiding out because this planet is not my vibe, to be honest, I do enjoy talking to people and inspiring them to greatness.  This is why I felt doing these NDE interview was like second nature for me.  Many of my guest become friends and we support one another through this Earth Experience.  I am hoping to do more interviews so if you have a story or experiences you think would be helpful to others, please email me so we can schedule a zoom interview.  If you're experiences are short and you feel they won't fill a full hour interview I can do a few montages and combine the smaller STEs together so the message still "get's out there." No worries :)

My First NDE Interview with Leonard R

This was  one of those synchronicities in life that makes you think "Maybe this really is a matrix?"  My first NDERF.org randomly picked NDE was "Leonard R" who I mistakenly assumed was Caucasian and used a lot of descriptive pictures during the NDE video with that assumption (we had a good laugh about that) only to see him on the FAMOUS Jeff Mara Podcast and think "Why is that story so familiar???"  Then it hit me, he was THE Leonard R. from NDERF!  So I contacted him with NO interviews under my belt and had already been turned away by another NDEer because of this lol and he easily, quickly and kindly said "Yes" and the rest is history. A great guy and a SUPER NDE testimony!


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New York, NY, US

About us

We are here to help you share your STE experience with the world.
Please donate to this cause and the "Hayah Love" Healing Retreat.  Best wishes!

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